“This Charter is a territorial scale strategy that enables the rapid construction of now much needed public space to ease the damages caused by the insidious creep of privatised public spaces. It is not a charter based on policy, but one driven by architecture.”
Chloé Hudson, 2020.
“The freedom to make and remake our cities and ourselves is… one of the most precious yet most neglected of our human rights.”
David Harvey, The Right to the City
This is a rewriting of the Public London Charter.
Born out of shifting attitudes to land ownership, access and use, it is a project for London as a public city. This Charter is a territorial scale strategy that enables the rapid construction of now much needed public space to ease the damages caused by the insidious creep of privatised public spaces. It is not a charter based on policy, but one driven by architecture. It aims to produce mutually enriching and yet highly contrasting spaces across a territory.
At its heart, sits the ambition to awaken the citizen to Britain’s crisis of land. The public spaces of London, the collective assets of the city’s citizens, are being sold to corporations, privatised, without explanation or apology. The Citizen must realise that privatisation will leave the public without land of their own.
The Alternative Public London Charter is a call to arms.
Chloe Hudson is a London based architect and researcher. Her work has a strong public conscience and addresses how architecture and space making can respond to the bureaucratic and institutional crises of British cities. Chloe graduated with commendation from the Architectural Association in 2020. She has previously worked for dRMM and Grimshaw in London.